Silver Shadows

the poetry of SilverDoves

Thursday, February 07, 2008

5 O'Clock Shadow

Description: This poem was inspired by the picture of a young man whose life had led him to develop a tought exterior and who used people trying to drown his past and his pain by wasting it away on the pursuit of women he cares nothing for and alcohol that only provides temporary relief. This poem is the revelation of the boy behind the facade' and the distaste he has for himself and the man he has become.

5 O'Clock Shadow

There’s a little boy standing on the sidewalk
The weakness within
Disguised by muscles
And a five o’clock shadow
With charm and a wink
He buys counterfeit love
A crooked smile’s cheaper than his heart
Can’t afford to lose it again
Euphoria is his roundtrip ticket
To Heaven and back
To the hell he’s living in
And a doormat labeled torture
Where the devil’s greets him with a
“How was your day?”

He answers with a beer
And three days of sex
Toasting the past with bogus good wishes
“Here’s to leperous love”
When whiskey won’t do it
He turns to brunette revenge
Making vacant promises to a faceless female
Christens her the harlot
A scapegoat slut
Give her a night of devotion
Then send her away with his sins

When imitation comfort
No longer reassures
He leaves behind hangovers
Futile one night stands
Standing on the smokey street corner
Walks away slowly
Whipes rain off the stuble of his chin
Things could change tomorrow
But they won’t
So for five rush hour minutes
He let’s the weakness show

Till there’s a little boy standing on the sidewalk
The strength within
Disguised by tears
And a five o’clock shadow


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